In this interview with Guru Ron Kosakowski, we cover topics like the early UFC, and Ron’s history in the start of the first fights. His early investments to help get it all started. We also cover his time with the Gracie Jujitsu family and some of their early promotions. We also delved into his son and Aspiring MMA fighter Jesse James Kosakowski, his fight management team Chess Moves Management, the camp that Ron has going, and details about his fighter conditioning regimen, at home training, and some unique Kun Tao / Kettle Bell work outs that he uses in his camp to build peoples leg muscles. We also covered his company Traditional Filipino Weapons and their product lines, going into some candid detail on how he got it all started, and where we’re at today. We also cover the details about his gym and university the Practical Self Defense Training Center in Waterbury, CT, Ron is a wealth of knowledge and it was a pleasure to feature him on our program. Stay tuned for more episodes…
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