All posts tagged: chi sao

How To Use The Wing Chun Wooden Dummy – Section 3 & 4 Introduction Tutorial
Learning Wing Chun on your own is always a challenge, centuries ago, the grand masters in the Shaolin arts devised a training tool that would supplant the missing partner in the times when no partner was available. This training tool is none other than the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy. In Cantonese, the device is

Yip Man Wing Chun Forms – Archival Footage Commentary
In this video release, I’m sharing some candid thoughts and commentary about the footage of Grand Master Yip Man. This footage was taken only a few weeks before his passing, and is a beautiful piece of archival history for those that study the Yip Man Wing Chun Lineage. Fast forward 50 years from the

How To Use The Wing Chun Wooden Dummy – Section 1 & Introduction Tutorial
Learning Wing Chun on your own is always a challenge, centuries ago, the grand masters in the Shaolin arts devised a training tool that would supplant the missing partner in the times when no partner was available. This training tool is none other than the Wing Chun Wooden Dummy. In Cantonese, the device is named

Wing Chun Cross Hand Bridging Method – Learn Wing Chun Technique Entry Methods
Learning Wing Chun on your own requires at least some time with a willing training partner. In this Wing Chun technique entry, we’re looking at using the circular nature of a hand capture, with well timed entry methods. Wing Chun footwork is essential to put you right into a point of control at the entry.

Chi Sao Lesson 4. How to use the Bong Sao Technique
This video is from a Public seminar taught in 2018. Featuring some concepts of “Sticking Hands” known to Wing Chun as “Chi Sao”. Here we’re discussing a few options from a Pak Da entry, where the opponent attempts to leak out and throw a hook, or hay maker against your entry. Take this drill home

Chi Sao Lesson 3. Entry method response to a running hand
This video is from a Public seminar taught in 2019. Featuring some concepts of “Sticking Hands” known to Wing Chun as “Chi Sao”. Here we’re discussing a few options from a Pak Da entry, where the opponent attempts to leak out and throw a hook, or hay maker against your entry. Sound is much better

Warrior’s Guild Episode 3 – Interview with Acupuncture & Natural Medicine Dr. Ken Hoffman
Warriors Guild Episode 3. Our Host Andy DiGuiseppi Interviews Acupuncture and Natural Medicine Dr. Ken Hoffman Andy and Ken discuss some of his most recent happenings, his history in martial arts, his time in the armed forces, owning his own school, and traveling to Asia, as well has theories on ancient healing modalities and the

Warrior’s Guild Episode 2 – Interview with Pro MMA Fighter Jesse James Kosakowski
Warriors Guild Episode 2. Our host Andy DiGuiseppi interviews Pro MMA Fighter Jesse James Kosakowski Andy and Jesse discuss some of Jesse’s most recent happenings, his offline training, his home routines. We discuss fitness, diet and fighter nutrition, as well as his experiences in the cage, and in various gyms in the state. Some nice

Warrior’s Guild Episode 1 – Interview with Guru Ron Kosakowski
In this interview with Guru Ron Kosakowski, we cover topics like the early UFC, and Ron’s history in the start of the first fights. His early investments to help get it all started. We also cover his time with the Gracie Jujitsu family and some of their early promotions. We also delved into his son