
Wing Chun Kung Fu’s Mook Yan Jong Form / Wooden Dummy Form & Training Review with Commentary.
Every style of Wing Chun Kung Fu features a Wooden Dummy training routine. This method has been passed down from the original Shaolin Kung Fu methods, modified to meet the use of the Wing Chun method. The way of Wing Chun is all about simple, clear and very refined angles of attack and defense, as

Wing Chun Kung Fu’s Luk Dim Boon Gwan Long Pole / Staff & Spear Form Review with Commentary
Every style of Wing Chun Kung Fu features a long pole, this method has been allegedly passed down in the time of the Red Boat Era, and is said to be an adjusted Hung Gar pole form, with Wing Chun’s signature theoretical changes applied to it. Wing Chun style is to simplify, and purify a

Wing Chun Forms & Chi Gung – Exploring Traditional Chinese Medicine Charts
In this episode we explore traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)charts and how they might tell us a bit about our health and our vitality. A little discussion on how they relate to various symptoms and what we can do to fortify ourselves using Chi Gung and Kung Fu training. Every martial artist should look at the

Ng Wah Sum Wing Chun from Hong Kong. A Look at Leung Sheung’s Wing Chun Kung Fu. Commentary
In this episode we explore the similarities and differences between styles of Wing Chun. As it relates to the Yip Man lineage, and his students from Hong Kong. This video features Grand Master Ng Wah Sum demonstrating the Forms he learned from Leung Sheung, while studying in Hong Kong. The footage filmed sometime in the

Yip Man’s Wing Chun from Foshan China. Lun Gai’s Wing Chun Kung Fu. Commentary
Wing Chun Kung Fu comes from many places in the eastern worlds. In this video commentary, we explore a student of Yip Man, when he lived in Foshan China. The student’s name is Lun Gai, or spelled Lun Kai, and he calls his style Foshan Wing Chun. At least in the original source files were

Wing Chun & Jeet Kune Do – Self Defense Seminar Sunday March 27th 2022
Register at this link. Self Defense Seminar – Jeet Kune Do & Wing Chun March 27th 2022