Winter Class Schedule.


Waterbury Kwoon
Ages 13+
Wing Chun Kung Fu
Public Group Class

Chi Gung, Shaolin Yoga & Wing Chun Forms.

Waterbury Kwoon
Ages 13+
Wing Chun Kung Fu
Public Group Class

Two Man Drills & Form Applications


Sunrise Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Morning Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Lunch Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Afternoon Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available


Sunrise Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Morning Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Lunch Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Afternoon Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available


Sunrise Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Morning Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Lunch Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Afternoon Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available


Sunrise Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Morning Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Lunch Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available

Afternoon Session Private Training
Private Study
*Travel Available


New Milford Kwoon
Ages 13+
Wing Chun Kung Fu
Public Group Class

Chi Gung, Shaolin Yoga & Wing Chun Forms

New Milford Kwoon
Ages 13+
Wing Chun Kung Fu
Public Group Class

Two Man Drills & Form Applications


Private Training
Private and Group Lessons
Boot Camp Workshops
Travel Possible

Training Group Locations.

Waterbury Training Space.
Practical Self Defense Training Center
847 Hamilton Ave. 
Waterbury, CT 

New Milford Training Space.
Zendo Jujitsu
80 Park Lane Road (Rt 202)
New Milford, CT

Frequently Asked Questions.

New members to our public groups may begin at anytime.
They should schedule their complimentary first class trial.

For your first session, please wear comfortable clothing to capable of doing some light stretching.

We recommend light weight shoes in the Waterbury facility, and bare feet in the New Milford facility.

Once you become a member, we ask that you wear the uniform T-Shirt.

Sash may be worn at community events and performances, available after the completion of a competency test.

Sparring Gear:
Light touch practice sparring available to all levels with no protection neccessary.
(For members seeking contact sparring.)
Helmet, Mouthpiece, MMA Gloves, Shin Guards and Groin protection are all recommended.
Contact Sifu to recommend the appropriate vendors for the best sparring equipment.

We offer a complimentary free trial class for first time students.

Monthly Membership is $100/month
$30 Drop-in rate.

One-on-One Private training or Private Seminar Group require interview and advanced scheduling

A uniform T-Shirt is available for $20/each.
A uniform Sash is available after grade level completion for $20/each.

Sparring equipment. Helmet, mouthpiece, mma gloves and shin guards are available from many online sources and range about $200-300 for the entire collection. We can not recommend that you buy low quality equipment, you’ll enjoy the protection from quality brands. ( we recommend Title Boxing )

A guide on your way up the mountain.

Using a mountain as a metaphor, we can say that the path up the mountain leaves many on the trail lost to the wild. So only the ones with the will to never give up, and to achieve, will find the trail up the mountain. When you have a Sifu to guide you, it’s like having a tour guide to take you up the mountain. Showing you the landmarks and pitfalls as you march on. Will you take the first step? Request Enrollment here at the form on this page.

Enrollment Application.

Complete the following contact application completely, to be considered for our training groups.

If student is a child, please put parents name. Please tell us more about your child in the message box below.
To be considered seriously for enrollment in one of our programs, we need to know some more about the individual looking to take study. With Martial Arts Knowledge comes great responsibility, we reserve the right to deny enrollment to anyone for any reason.

News Feed.

Wing Chun Philosophy, TCM, The Spine, Food, Sound & Taoist Hand Techniques
Wing Chun Philosophy, TCM, The Spine, Food, Sound & Taoist Hand Techniques In this presentation we explore the philosophy of wing chun style kung fu, with an exploration on sacred geometry, and ancestral teachings. Explore some number systems that are found in TCM, the spine, and in various related topics. The lecture spans into several
Shaolin Wooden Dummy Form Review with Commentary – Featuring: Hung Gar, Mantis, Bak Mei, Ba Gua, Xing Yi, Choy Li Fut, Wing Chun
Original Shaolin Kung Fu Wooden Dummy Forms Training Review with Commentary Featuring Hung Gar, Mantis, Ba Gus, Xing Yi, Choy Li Fut, Eagle Claw, Opera Wing Chun, Shaolin, Plum Blossom Posts. Many martial art systems have employed the use of a wooden dummy for the development of their martial art fighting methods. Having something to
Wing Chun Kung Fu’s Mook Yan Jong Form / Wooden Dummy Form & Training Review with Commentary.

Every style of Wing Chun Kung Fu features a Wooden Dummy training routine. This method has been passed down from the original Shaolin Kung Fu methods, modified to meet the use of the Wing Chun method. The way of Wing Chun is all about simple, clear and very refined angles of attack and defense, as

Wing Chun Kung Fu’s Luk Dim Boon Gwan Long Pole / Staff & Spear Form Review with Commentary

Every style of Wing Chun Kung Fu features a long pole, this method has been allegedly passed down in the time of the Red Boat Era, and is said to be an adjusted Hung Gar pole form, with Wing Chun’s signature theoretical changes applied to it. Wing Chun style is to simplify, and purify a

Wing Chun Long Pole Flow Drills – Staff Meeting Summer 2024
 Footage from a recent outdoor seminar featuring the Wing Chun style long staff training. We're using the Chi Gwan ( sticking Pole ) template to learn how to flow and discover angles for opening. In this clip we are exploring a variety of opening and follow up options. . These are just a few
Wing Chun Boxing Lesson – Entering From The Straight Jab
Wing Chun Kung Fu includes a wealth of empty-hand boxing techniques. Although the art is a bare-knuckle boxing method, these tactics can be applied to the same practice with gloves. In this video, we share one sample entry against an opponent's probing straight jab. Once you become adept at connecting with their arm as it

Merch Store.

Training Photo Gallery.

“Finding a good Sifu is very hard, finding a good student is even more difficult.”

– Yip Man, Head of the Wing Chun Clan in Hong Kong circa 1960

Celebrating 25 Years of Martial Study

Below: Photos of our training spaces and of Sifu DiGuiseppi with a variety of masters he’s had the honor of learning from through the years.

Training Space at Practical Self Defense Training Center
Waterbury, CT

Training Space at Zendo Ju Jitsu
New Milford, CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Kevin Becker
Danbury, CT

Kuntao with Guro Ron Kosakowski
Waterbury, CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Chung Kwok Chow
Westport, CT

Pekiti Tirsia with Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje Jr.
Waterbury, CT

Jeet Kune Do with Guro Dan Inosanto
Queens, NY

Jeet Kune Do with Sifu Larry Hartsell
Waterbury, CT

Silat with Guro Maul Mournie
Stamford, CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Francis Fong
Queens, NY

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Wan Kam Leung
Waterbury, CT

MMA & Jeet Kune Do with Pro Fighter Jesse James Kosakowski
Waterbury, CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Mark Phillips
Boston, MA

Wing Chun Kung Fu with Sifu Jim Roselando & Sifu Phil Romero
Boston, MA

First Generation CTWCK Instructors
Waterbury, CT

Jeet Kune Do & Wing Chun Seminar Group Photo
Waterbury, CT

Jeet Kune Do & Wing Chun Seminar Group Photo
Waterbury, CT

Becker Wing Chun First Class Photo
Danbury, CT

What is Wing Chun Kung Fu?

Wing Chun is a martial art system that features total body, mind and spirit cultivation through traditional Kung Fu routines and regular weekly classes. Kung Fu study material is taught using a classical practice of the Yip Man System of Wing Chun Kung Fu. Today’s version of this martial art, is a powerful and intelligent hand-to-hand combat system. We offer focused course material on each component of the traditional Wing Chun System.

It should be said that when using the Wing Chun style, we do not practice “self defense”, instead, we use “the attack to defend.” This ancient formula is successful when we use the approach in combat, physical body training, and our daily lives.

Arts with in the Art

Martial Strategy

• Fitness as Lifestyle

• Tactile Reflex

• Breath Work/Chi Gung

• Form/Meditation

• Two Man Drills

• Wooden Dummy

• 8 Ft. Staff

• Double Sword/Dagger

• Instructor Training

Wing Chun Kung Fu Self Defense Classes Litchfield County CT

Martial Arts Boxing Classes New Milford, CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes Near Washington CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes Fairfield County CT

Martial Arts Classes For Adults Near Danbury, CT

Kung Fu Self Defense Classes Near Brookfield CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes New Haven County CT

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes Waterbury, CT

Kung Fu Classes Near Southington, CT

CT Wing Chun

School of Kung Fu

The Wing Chun System of Kung Fu consists of martial art training programs focused specifically on self defense, mental fortitude, and total body fitness. Study topics include strategy, goal planning, self discovery, lifestyle discipline and overall physical wellness.

Self defense material features hand, elbow, knee, foot, as well as sweeping and grappling. Advanced study material includes the Shaolin Wooden Dummy, Shaolin weaponry such as the staff and double sword/daggers.

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