Keepers of The Flame.
Individuals certified with instructorships from our academy will have one of these certificates inscribed with their rank and date of achievement.
Connecticut Wing Chun Instructor Program.
To become an instructor in the Kung Fu Style of Wing Chun takes sweat, blood, bruises and years of dedicated practice and sacrifice. We are not in the business of selling belts, or taking financial advantage of students by withholding information that they have proved they are worthy to learn. The classical Wing Chun system should be able to be completed in about 5 years. If the student is dedicated, practices outside of class and has the determination.
What We look for in an instructor is; near flawless execution of the 6 traditional forms of Wing Chun, ultra high level of skill when demonstrating our classical drilling methods. A superior ability to stay within the Wing Chun body formulas when pressured by various attacking styles at the highest of speed and power. Whether it be boxing, kick boxing, grappling or Wing Chun vs Wing Chun.
The achievement of a “Black Sash”, means that the student is now a disciple and an inheritor of our lineage. This rank comes with the qualification and certification that would merit the instructor to open his or her own training groups.
Sifu Andy DiGuiseppi.
CTWCK Founder / Chief Instructor
Sifu Andy DiGuiseppi.
I began my formal martial arts journey in September of 1999 at aged 19. Having a background in extreme outdoor sports, I found Wing Chun training a natural and obvious addition to my long list of athletic hobbies.
My first exposure to Wing Chun came from the man I called “Sifu”, the late Kevin Becker, head master of Becker Wing Chun. From day one, I dedicated my life’s schedule to never miss a class. The experience of rapid growth and personal development, was what kept me going. With an insatiable appetite for more skill and knowledge. It seemed to me that I had finally found a place where I belong. Having always wanted to express my inner warrior spirit.
I completed his system of Wing Chun in March of 2005 and continued to train and study with him until his passing in 2009.
Sifu’s place in my life’s journey has served as first catalyst, aiming me toward the vast horizon of martial knowledge ahead of me.
I believe that once you get a solid foundation in the Wing Chun Art, adding additional cultural exposure is a must. So I’ve tried to learn anything I could get my hands on from any one willing to share.
The masters and systems I have received instruction in and by, are listed below, in order of experience:
Wing Chun Kung Fu:
Sifu Kevin Becker, Sifu Chung Kwok Chow, Sifu Wan Kam Leung, Sifu Francis Fong.
Filipino Kun Tao-Silat:
Guro Ron Kosakowski.
Inosanto Kali:
Guro Ron Kosakowski, Sifu Larry Hartsel.
Pekiti Tersia Kali:
Guro Ron Kosakowski, Tuhon Leo Gaje Jr., Tuhon Claudio Cabezas.
Sina Tersia Wali Kali-Silat:
Guro Paul Ledney
Atienza Kali:
Guro Clint San Antonio, Guro Peter Gerardi, Tuhon Carl Atienza,
Integrated Grappling Systems:
Sifu Ron Kosakowski, Sifu Jesse James Kosakowski
Brazilian JuJitsu:
Sifu Kevin Becker, Sifu Ron Kosakowski, Sensei Sean Jugler
Jeet Kune Do:
Sifu Ron Kosakowski, Sifu Larry Hartsel, Guro Dan Inosanto, Sifu Kevin Becker.
Mandemuda Silat:
Sifu Kevin Becker, Guro Paul Ledney.
Cimande Silat:
Guro Paul Ledney.
Siu Lam Iron Palm:
Sifu Kevin Becker
Chi Gung:
Sifu Kevin Becker, Sifu Ken Hoffman, Sifu Chen
Japanese Aiki Jujitsu/Aikido/Karate:
Sensei Sean Jugler, Sensei JJ Sperry.
Sensei Sean Jugler, Sensei JJ Sperry, Sensei Walter Miller.
Chen Style Tai Chi:
Sifu Ken Zaborowski.
Wu Style Tai Chi:
Sifu Vincent Candela.
Along with the hand to hand training I’ve also been fascinated and humbled by the study of weaponry.
Once you start down the path of weaponry training, your empty handed art will never be the same. It will most certainly double your touch sensitivity and level your mind for the reality of life and death situations. The Study of weaponry is a must for any one looking to become a fully well rounded martial artist. The reality of lethal weaponry is not to be taken lightly.
I coach the core knowledge and classical drilling routines for the following weapons:
Wing Chun Baat Cham Do, double butterfly swords.
Wing Chun Look Dim Boon Gwan, 6 and 1 half point pole.
Filipino Kali Sword & Knife.
Filipino Escrima 28″ Rattan Stick, single and double baston.
Indonesian Silat Karambit, tiger claw knife.
Filipino Kun Tao Dulo Dulo, palm stick.
Black Sash Certified Instructors.
The instructors listed below have all tested and qualified their skills according to our standards. Each are qualified to teach and promote the next generation of Yip Man Style Wing Chun stemmed from our lineage. Individuals listed here have well beyond 2000 hours instruction under our head instructor. The only way to learn Wing Chun is by touching hands with your instructor and feeling the skills first hand.
Sifu Mike S.
Rank: Black Sash and Full Certified Instructor Level in the complete system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms, the wooden dummy and the 2 weaponry forms.
To Contact Sifu Mike.
Visit his website:
Sifu Jake L.
Rank: Black Sash and Full Certified Instructor Level in the complete system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms, the wooden dummy and the 2 weaponry forms.
Sifu Israel A.
Rank: Black Sash and Full Certified Instructor Level in the complete system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms, the wooden dummy and 2 weaponry forms.
Red Sash Apprentice Instructors.
The individuals listed below are currently in our apprenticeship program working toward completion of their curriculums for promotion to become a full certified instructor.
Sifu Leo R.
Rank: Red Sash and Apprentice Instructor Level in the system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms, the wooden dummy. Currently studying the weaponry sets on his path to earn his Black Sash.
Sifu Ken N.
Rank: Red Sash and Apprentice Instructor Level in the system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms, the wooden dummy. Currently studying the weaponry sets on his path to earn his Black Sash.
Apprentice Candidates.
The individuals listed below are currently in our apprenticeship program working toward completion of their curriculums for promotion to become a certified instructor.
SiHing Chris J.
Rank: Jade Sash and Apprentice Candidate in the system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms.
SiHing Lou B.
Rank: Jade Sash and Apprentice Candidate in the system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms.
SiHing Ricardo R.
Rank: Jade Sash and Apprentice Candidate in the system of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Qualified to teach the 3 boxing forms.