Wing Chun Philosophy, TCM, The Spine, Food, Sound & Taoist Hand Techniques

In this presentation we explore the philosophy of wing chun style kung fu, with an exploration on sacred geometry, and ancestral teachings. Explore some number systems that are found in TCM, the spine, and in various related topics.
The lecture spans into several parts, exploring the seasons, the spine, and then food, sound and finally a journey through some ancient taoist hand mudras. (Like yoga for the hands.)

The goal of this presentation is to cover a wealth of topics to aid in the cultivation of good health and vibrant powers as stated in the first opening statements.

We’re eager to explore each of these topics deeper and journey further into each one as their topic of interest.

Links for notable mentions in the film.

Artwork by Ryan Seven.

Healing Sounds reference instagram slides from Dr. Amanda V.

Parasite detox artwork by David Avocado Wolfe.

Healing Sounds artwork reference from Mantak Chi.

Home Page

If we missed any other creators from this slide presentation, please contact us for attribution.

This work is for educational purposes. Although we endorse only our own practices, we are interested to explore the work of other leaders in their given thought fields.