Every style of Wing Chun Kung Fu features a long pole, this method has been allegedly passed down in the time of the Red Boat Era, and is said to be an adjusted Hung Gar pole form, with Wing Chun’s signature theoretical changes applied to it. Wing Chun style is to simplify, and purify a thing, to it’s smallest, most simple and at the same time must effective form. The way the ancestors of Modern Wing Chun applied this idea to their long pole form and training drills is explored in this video. I only wish I could find more footage of the old masters training these methods. So I could put them into one of these all encompassing summaries on the style.
We explore the methods of Yip Man Lineages, as well as some main land Chinese methods from the same heritage. From long pole, to spear, to mid sized monks staff, and then all the way to the 16 foot european pike.
To support the channel, consider purchasing our instructional lesson on the small staff used Wing Chun Style.
Links to all of the videos we watched are here.
Sorry if I missed any.
Tang Yik Pole Form.
Augustine Fong
William Cheung Pole form.
Yip man.
Moy Yat.
Wong shun leung.
Chu Chong Tin
Pike man.
Spear demo.
Lau Kar Demo.
Other spear demo.
Wing Chun Mok Wai Keung
Chow Gar, Mantis 5 element Pole Form
Leung Ting Pole work.
Hung Gar pole set.
Eddie Chong pole form.
Pan Nam Pole form.
Thanks for watching!
Supportive comments are welcome.
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